Monday, 10 June 2013

Use to gain qualifications and address Ofsted concerns

Find out how TN5 can enhance your students' learning experience and improve your delivery of PE

In February 2013, Ofsted published 'Beyond 2012 - Outstanding physical education for all' (read report) raising significant questions and issues relating to the current delivery of physical education in schools. The benefits of engaging in, organising, and leading sports related activities are clearly highlighted and should be part of every young persons schooling.

Contrary to assumptions it doesn't have to be costly or time consuming to meet these challenges.

Using the FREE website TN5 addresses many of the issues raised by Ofsted. Below are some comments from the Ofsted report, along with examples of how TN5 can easily be used to address them.

Ofsted Comments
Using TN5
Primary Schools

‘Pupils’ achievement and enjoyment of school, including their personal development and well-being, were enhanced significantly by opportunities to train as playground buddies and junior sports leaders’.

'The quality of the PE curriculum was good or outstanding in over three quarters of schools visited.......They provided a wide range of after-school clubs and inter-school competitions'.

'The impact of school sports partnerships in maximising participation and increasing regular competition was clearly evident.......but only a few primary schools.....played competitive situations'

TN5 gives young people the opportunity to organise and run their own league and competition. When delivered as part of a Young Leaders Award it gives young people a qualification and a real head start in Sports Leadership.

TN5 is ideal as an after-school club with a friendly competitive element to keep the young people engaged. The flexibility of mixing the teams means that young people can not only play against, but also WITH other schools in inter-school competitions.

The structure of TN5 allows or competitive sport in a friendly environment, with and against colleagues. The changes to team line ups mean it is competitive and inclusive for all regardless of ability.

The report goes on to cover Physical Education in secondary schools

Ofsted Comments
Using TN5
Secondary Schools

‘Pupils’ achievement and enjoyment, and their personal development and well-being were enhanced significantly by opportunities to gain qualifications in sports leadership, coaching and refereeing, and organising sport for others’.

‘In some lessons, tasks were not challenging enough, time to practise and improve skills was too short and there were too few opportunities to select and apply newly acquired skills in competitive situations’.

‘Sports enrichment was central to the ethos of most schools visited and led to extensive provision of after-school clubs, inter-school competitions, and training for sports leadership’.

TN5 can easily link with a number of Sports Leadership qualifications (see Qualifications on the Teachers and Coaches page of As young people organise their own competition it gives them the ideal opportunity to develop leadership skills, organise others and experience refereeing, whilst engaging in the sport themselves.

TN5 allows young people to participate in friendly competition with their friends and peers. And it doesn’t need to cut into PE lessons. A TN5 lunchtime or after-school club is ideal for providing young people the opportunity to practice their skills in a structured competition, with minimal supervision required.

Tn5 is ideal as an after-school club with a  friendly competitive element to keep the young people engaged. The flexibility of mixing the teams means that young people can not only play against, but also WITH other schools in inter-school competitions.

TN5 can also help students to develop and demonstrate the skills required for industry recognised qualifications, including:

  • Young Leaders Award for 9-13 year olds
  • Level 1 and Level 2 Awards in Sports Leadership and Certificate/Diploma in Sport and Active Leisure
  • Post-16 Level 3 Qualification in Higher Sports Leadership

Further information on how TN5 can help students work towards these and other qualifications is available at in the Teachers and Coaches section.

So why not start a league of your school, college or sports team students today and let TN5 help you to deliver engaging, competitive lessons today?

Go to the homepage to sign up.